The science is unsettling.
“The study aimed at investigating the effect of exposure to waves emitted from the base transceiver stations (BTS) on workers' health…The results revealed that blood parameters in the BTS operators showed more changes. Thus, it can be concluded that these health impacts result from occupational exposure to BTS waves.”
“Overall results of this review show three types of effects by base station antennas on the health of people: radiofrequency sickness (RS), cancer (C) and changes in biochemical parameters (CBP).”
“A study by the Italian Ramazzini Institute that was conducted at lower intensities (below FCC limits) designed to mimic radiation from cell towers. The tumors found in these large-scale studies were of the same histotype as in some human epidemiological cell phone studies.”
“The RI [Ramazzini Institute] findings on far field exposure to RFR are consistent with and reinforce the results of the NTP study on near field exposure, as both reported an increase in the incidence of tumors of the brain and heart in RFR-exposed Sprague-Dawley rats. These tumors are of the same histotype of those observed in some epidemiological studies on cell phone users. These experimental studies provide sufficient evidence to call for the re-evaluation of IARC conclusions regarding the carcinogenic potential of RFR in humans.”
“High exposure to RF-EMF produced by MPBSTs [Mobile Phone Base Stations] was associated with delayed fine and gross motor skills, spatial working memory, and attention in school adolescents compared to students who were exposed to low RF-EMF.”
“It is concluded that exposure to high RF-EMFR generated by MPBS [Mobile Phone Base Stations] is associated with elevated levels of HbA1c and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.”
“Base Station (BS) clusters and deaths by neoplasia in the Belo Horizonte municipality have been identified. The mortality rate has been higher for the residents within an area of 500 m from the BS. The radiation superposition near the BS has also been observed; the nearer the stronger.”
“By searching PubMed, we identified a total of 10 epidemiological studies that assessed for putative health effects of mobile phone base stations. Seven of these studies explored the association between base station proximity and neurobehavioral effects and three investigated cancer. We found that eight of the 10 studies reported increased prevalence of adverse neurobehavioral symptoms or cancer in populations living at distances < 500 meters from base stations. None of the studies reported exposure above accepted international guidelines, suggesting that current guidelines may be inadequate in protecting the health of human populations. We believe that comprehensive epidemiological studies of long-term mobile phone base station exposure are urgently required to more definitively understand its health impact.”
“Inhabitants living nearby mobile phone base stations are at risk for developing neuropsychiatric problems and some changes in the performance of neurobehavioral functions either by facilitation or inhibition. So, revision of standard guidelines for public exposure to RER from mobile phone base station antennas and using of NBTB for regular assessment and early detection of biological effects among inhabitants around the stations are recommended.”
“Chronic exposure to ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic fields or microwaves brings on bioeffects in man such as headaches, fatigue, sleep, and memory disturbances. These biological effects, associated with others (skin problems, nausea, irritability) constitute what is known as radiofrequency sickness. It is advisable that cellular phone base stations (cell towers) should not be sited closer than 300 m (985 feet) to populations and most significantly because exposed people can have different sensitivities related particularly to their sex and their age.”
“Within a couple of days, a new 5G base station caused severe symptoms in two previously healthy persons that correspond to the microwave syndrome…The symptoms quickly reversed when the couple moved to a dwelling with much lower exposure.”
“This study confirms our previous publications on microwave syndrome caused by RF radiation emissions from 5G. Our three studies are to our knowledge among the first to have investigated health effects from 5G base stations. 5G substantially increases exposure to microwave radiation and in the present case, as well as in the previous case studies, the 5G deployment was followed by a rapid development of symptoms known as the microwave syndrome. Urgent attention is needed to the 5G health hazards by the responsible governmental agencies.”
“Within few weeks, a new 5G base station caused typical symptoms of the microwave syndrome or radiofrequency sickness in two men working and living in the office below the base station. The deployment of 5G also caused very high maximum (peak) microwave/RFR radiation non-thermal exposure, however far below the ICNIRP guidelines. The symptoms disappeared completely within some weeks after the men moved from the office to dwellings with much lower exposure.”
“The evidence presented above suggests that there are credible risks of biological interference effects for frequencies planned for 5G, occurring well-below ICNIRP reference limits. Given the ubiquitous and often non-consensual nature of man-made wireless radiation exposures, the presence of even a small number of significant bioeffects requires follow up with more focused research.”
“The results suggest that exposure to multifrequency electromagnetic field simulating the effects of 5G systems affected functional activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and was stressful in nature.”
“It was found that the anxiety-like behaviour and spatial memory ability of mice did not change, but the depression-like behaviour was induced in mice after 4.9 GHz RF exposure. In addition, the number of neurons significantly reduced and the level of pyroptosis obviously increased in amygdala rather than hippocampus. These results suggested that 4.9 GHz RF exposure could induce depression-like behaviour, which might be associated with the neuronal pyroptosis in amygdala.”
“Thus, urgently needed are health protective exposure limits for humans and the environment. These limits must be based on scientific evidence rather than on erroneous assumptions, especially given the increasing worldwide exposures of people and the environment to RFR, including novel forms of radiation from 5G telecommunications for which there are no adequate health effects studies.”
“Altogether, this evidence establishes a high priority for the European Union towards (i) replacing the current flawed guidelines with protective thresholds, and (ii) placing a moratorium on 5G deployment so as to (iii) allow industry-independent scientists the time needed to propose new health-protective guidelines. This 2021 Appeal's relevance becomes even more pressing in the context of the EU plans to roll out the sixth generation of wireless technologies, 6G, further adding to the known risks of RFR technology for humans and the environment. This all leads to an important question: Do EU decision makers have the right to ignore EU´s own directives by prioritising economic gain over human and environmental health?”
“In summary, the brightening effects of 5G EMR on the skin pigmentation were confirmed at multiple levels ranging from B16F10 cell line and an artificial human pigmented skin model as determined by reduced melanin content, and morphological regression of melanocyte activation. We can observe that 5G exposure attenuated melanin production by regulation melanogenic genes and ROS production. As compared with our previously published study, 5G exposure alone did not affect melanin synthesis, however co-exposure with melanin synthesis stimuli, such as α-MSH, showed an effect of suppressing α-MSH induced melanin as reported in the PMBT studies of the shorter wavelengths. Moreover, it is necessary to examine the effects of 5G EMR on melanin synthesis under more extreme exposure scenarios, such as stronger intensity or for a prolonged time, in the future.”
European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) – Health Impact of 5G (2021)
“There is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of radiofrequency radiation.”“There is sufficient evidence of adverse effects on the fertility of men.”“FR1 (450 to 6000 MHz): As a synthesis of what we have managed to analyse in the available scientific literature, in both human and animal studies, we can say that RF-EMF at FR1 frequencies exposure probably cause cancer, and in particular gliomas and acoustic neuromas in humans.”“FR1(450 to 6000 MHz): These frequencies clearly affect male fertility. These frequencies possibly affect female fertility. They possibly have adverse effects on the development of embryos, foetuses and newborns.”
New Hampshire formed a State Commission to examine health effects of the evolving 5G technology and whether wireless radiation is indeed harmful to human health. The majority of the New Hampshire State Commission came to the conclusion that exposure to wireless radiation is harmful to human health and the environment. The commission was convened through bipartisan legislation that was signed by the governor and commission membership included unbiased experts in fields relating to health and radiation exposure. Their Final Report published in 2020 states, “The majority of the Commission believes that the FCC has not exercised due diligence in its mission to manage the electromagnetic environment by not setting exposure limits that protect against health effects. They have failed to support technical means and investigations aimed at reducing human exposures to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in telecommunications systems and optimize wireless modulations to reduce biological and health impacts.”
“In conclusion, this article demonstrates that the EU has given mandate to a 13-member, non-governmental private group, the ICNIRP, to decide upon the RF radiation guidelines. The ICNIRP, as well as SCENIHR, are well shown not to use the sound evaluation of science on the detrimental effects of RF radiation, which is documented in the research which is discussed above (9,10,21-24,54,55). These two small organizations are producing reports which seem to deny the existence of scientific published reports on the related risks. It should perhaps be questioned whether it is in the realm of protecting human health and the environment by EU and whether the safety of EU citizens and the environment can be protected by not fully understanding the health-related risks.”
“This article identifies adverse effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation (hereafter called wireless radiation) reported in the premier biomedical literature. It emphasizes that most of the laboratory experiments conducted to date are not designed to identify the more severe adverse effects reflective of the real-life operating environment in which wireless radiation systems operate. Many experiments do not include pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal. The vast majority do not account for synergistic adverse effects of other toxic stimuli (such as chemical and biological) acting in concert with the wireless radiation. This article also presents evidence that the nascent 5G mobile networking technology will affect not only the skin and eyes, as commonly believed, but will have adverse systemic effects as well.”
“Although 5G technology may have many unimagined uses and benefits, it is also increasingly clear that significant negative consequences to human health and ecosystems could occur if it is widely adopted. Current radiofrequncy (sic) radiation wavelengths we are exposed to appear to act as a toxin to biological systems. A moratorium on the deployment of 5G is warranted, along with development of independent health and environmental advisory boards that include independent scientists who research…”
“We the undersigned, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”
Frequencies ranging from 30 gigahertz to 300 gigahertz on the EMR spectrum are defined as millimeter waves (MMW). This section explores the reported health impacts of MMW, a part of the 5G spectrum.
“Once the 5G mmW band is internationally operational, a significant proportion of the world’s population will be exposed to new hazards. The intensity and complexity of near-field exposure, such as when carrying a phone in a pocket or using it next to the head, will be different for 5G, and this is the first time mmW have been used for public telecommunications and the first time beamforming has been deliberately introduced for near-field use. Without research on the impact of near-field 5G, this global step is an experiment at the population level. Bearing this in mind, there is a vital and urgent need for targeted research and for a re-evaluation of the scientific relevance of the current RF human exposure standards’ basic approach and assumptions.”
“Preliminary observations showed that MMW increase skin temperature, alter gene expression, promote cellular proliferation and synthesis of proteins linked with oxidative stress, inflammatory and metabolic processes, could generate ocular damages, affect neuro-muscular dynamics. Further studies are needed to better and independently explore the health effects of RF-EMF in general and of MMW in particular. However, available findings seem sufficient to demonstrate the existence of biomedical effects, to invoke the precautionary principle, to define exposed subjects as potentially vulnerable and to revise existing limits.”
“It emphasizes that most of the laboratory experiments conducted to date are not designed to identify the more severe adverse effects reflective of the real-life operating environment in which wireless radiation systems operate. Many experiments do not include pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal. The vast majority do not account for synergistic adverse effects of other toxic stimuli (such as chemical and biological) acting in concert with the wireless radiation. This article also presents evidence that the nascent 5G mobile networking technology will affect not only the skin and eyes, as commonly believed, but will have adverse systemic effects as well.”
“Thus, thermal injury due to overexposure of mmWave is expected to produce superficial burns like those produced when a person touches hot objects or flames. In other words, mmWave-induced burns will likely generate blistering and local inflammatory responses that are similar to conventional burns rather than the deep tissue thermal injury characteristic of overexposure at microwave frequencies.”
“Millimeter waves penetrate into the human skin deep enough (delta = 0.65 mm at 42 GHz) to affect most skin structures located in the epidermis and dermis.”