An Initiative to Protect Children’s Health by Restoring Local Control of Cell Towers and Antennas
Section 704 undermines public health, environmental protections, and individual rights.
Our mission is to change that. Let’s protect children’s health and the environment and take back local control of cell towers.
Section 704 and other FCC preemptive actions enforce the FCC’s outdated RF radiation guidelines, ignoring mounting evidence of harm, particularly to children. These laws and preemptive actions also strip away our personal freedoms and property rights, and override the states’ traditional police powers that protect our health and welfare.
Protecting children’s health means changing the way wireless infrastructure is regulated.
Our team, led by attorney W. Scott McCollough, brings decades of expertise to the fight for local control and public safety in the telecom space. We are dedicated to impactful strategic litigation and advocacy, and are determined to turn challenges into victories.
But, we can’t do it without you!
Your contributions will advance our litigation. Your time will help us advocate and educate. Your involvement will help us protect your children and community. You are essential to our victory!